Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dream Job ;P (2.1)

My dream job is a job that brings both satisfaction and adventure on daily basis. I just can't imagine myself working behind the desk doing the same thing eight hours a day, five days a week, eleven month's a year for thirty five years!!. No way that would killed me, first mentally than probably physically.

Ten years from now, after all classes taken I see myself on ESPN channel running my own show (Jim Rome kind of a show). The reason why I am seeing myself there is as simple as it could be. I am passion about sports. What's even more I've watched all kinds of sports ranging from soccer up to a wrestling fights on regular basis since I was a kid. My knowledge about sport disciplines, event's (present or those from the past), sport celebrities is that deep that during a one on one conversation you would probably drop your jaw several times.

There is absolutely no doubt that surrounding plays a huge role in working environment. In the future I see myself surrounded by a group of people that shares my passions and dedication to a work that brings satisfaction and adventure on daily basis. In other words I want to be able to feel the excitement, experience joy and above all, have an opportunity to be around future hall of fame players.

As for the reward part I am not that greedy when it comes to money or recognition. Like I stated at the beginning the most important thing to me when it comes to a job is satisfaction, career fulfillment, deep belief that my job makes sense and its worth something at the end of a day. Of course my dream job must provide a comfortable living for me and my family but extremely well paying position is not a priority.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked your last paragraph because it is a good approach of what a "dream job" is suppose to be. Indeed, when we hear "deram job" we are more likely going to think about a job that can allow us to have a hug mansion with a dozen of bedrooms, a swimming pool and so on, whereas a "dream job" is suppose to be a job that you will like every single day during your entire career for a couple of years. It's more like you say about having a feeling a fulfillment and being able to retire peacefully with the feeling of leaving a healthy life behind without any regrets.
