Saturday, January 23, 2010

Best and Worst Jobs of 2010

In his article "Best and Worst Jobs of 2010" Andrew Strieber introduced the so called "best and worst" positions on earth. You don't have to read Financial Times on regular basis or watch business channels to know that due to financial tsunami that struck global economy with the fall of legendary nowadays Lehman Brothers bank there will be a massive shakedown on a job market.

The article as well as the list of "Best and Worst" provided me with lot's of interested informations. For starters I was struck to see Historian ranked so high (5th place), because I didn't know that you can do that well digging in history and then selling your knowledge for that kind of a cash. Actuary, another position ranked as a 1st (to me way overrated) that basically consists of a calculation the probability and financial impact sounds too good to be true especially in today's unknown circumstances. A mean how can you be able to calculate the probability of something that is beyond anyones control??. For example, Dubai was ranked in top5 by analytics as a best place to invest the capital. Extremely wealthy emirate, besides of building luxuries villas on an island that resembles a palm tree, or lately the worlds highest building is still struggling with massive debts. Despite of words of comfort and calculations from the side of analytics large portion of brand new apartments still remains unoccupied causing huge losses to its developers.

In my opinion it is just a matter of time before we see another article + revised list of best and worst jobs. Unfortunately in our times despite of everything nothing seems to be certain. Long time safe/well paying jobs are long gone now due to both globalization and competition which drives people to fight among each others for nearly every position. Who knows what awaits us in the future? Another financial meltdown or sound tomorrow which might bring us demand for totally new, unknown today jobs and perhaps a new list of "Best and Worst."

1 comment:

  1. I agree these list can change in time but i guess we just have to stick to these people believe but i do believe in working in a field that you love and not because of the money.
