Monday, January 11, 2010

Career Dilemma

First chapter in Turning Points book describes group of people and their concerns about education path's. Some of them despite of having abilities are not sure which way to follow. Somehow those situations described in the book reminds me my own situation and the issues concerning my career path at the beginning of the college. At that specific moment I had so many thoughts, so many... doubts whether my choice of selecting management was right. Right now at the age of twenty three I can't really afford to run from responsibility, make mistake's or shortcuts when it comes to education, because that's my way to earn a decent living in the future. At this moment after so many courses I am confident that I have made it a right decision in choosing management as my career. I believe that knowledge blended with skills learned throughout different classes will eventually pay off  and reward me with a job that will provide satisfaction on daily bases.  

1 comment:

  1. It seems everyone goes through this. We eventually have to come to a decision on what we want in life. There will be questions on whether you should do one thing or the other. I still have yet to find out what I want in my life. Hopefully I will find that out soon though.
